The safest way to keep you password safe using PasswordCard???

By Faisal Nahian 14 years ago
Home  /  General  /  The safest way to keep you password safe using PasswordCard???
What is it?

You have dozens of accounts on all kinds of websites and other systems, each of whom wants you to pick a secure password. But they all have different rules, and anyway, you can’t even remember one secure password that consists of a random string of letters and numbers, let alone dozens of them!

So, you use simple, easy to remember (and easy to guess) passwords, or you use the same password everywhere. We all do it. But in these days of identity theft, that is a very bad idea!

Enter PasswordCard

A PasswordCard is a credit card-sized card you keep in your wallet, which lets you pick very secure passwords for all your websites, without having to remember them! You just keep them with you, and even if your wallet does get stolen, the thief will still not know your actual passwords.

How does it work?

Your PasswordCard has a unique grid of random letters and digits on it. The rows have different colors, and the columns different symbols. All you do is remember a combination of a symbol and a color, and then read the letters and digits from there. It couldn’t be simpler!

You can optionally include an area that has only digits which you can use for PIN’s, and you can also choose to include symbols if you use sites which require your passwords to include them. Remember that you can still use the digits-only area for regular passwords, for any site which allows numbers in its passwords!


Go ahead and check out Your PasswordCard and take one if you like it!!!

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 Faisal Nahian

  (147 articles)